Raspberry PI 4 and Ubuntu Mate 22.04 Upgrade
Upgrading to Ubuntu Mate 22.04 was fairly painless but it did take rather a long time to complete.
A couple of things that came out of the upgrade was the inability to use the USB Serial Port to communicate with the Xiegu G90 with FLRIG, thiking this was permissions I checked that my user still had access to the dialout group. It did so this was clearly not the issue.
After checking the boot messages and running sudo dmesg
it was clear that this was the root cause
[ 5284.610952] usb 2-1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[ 5289.155968] usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 0 claimed by ftdi_sio while 'brltty' sets config #1
[ 5289.157525] ftdi_sio ttyUSB0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0
so we performed the following:
sudo systemctl stop brltty-udev.service
sudo systemctl mask brltty-udev.service
sudo systemctl stop brltty.service
sudo systemctl disable brltty.service
sudo reboot
You can check these service are inactive/dead by doing
sudo systemctl status brltty-udev.service
sudo systemctl status brltty.service
Normal service was resumed and we able to select the USB device for FLRIG control, WSJTX works as per normal and also Fan Control just as with Ubuntu Mate 20.04. The user interface is much cleaner with Mate 22.04 and system performance it noticably improved.
Latest Contacts
R2SCL 20m
WX2U 15m
PV200BR 15m
5B4AMM 15m
T77C 17m
Longest Distance
VK7AC 17149 Km
VK1DO 16824 Km
VK3GL 16797 Km
VK6EI 14397 Km
ZP9MCE 10457 Km
JA1JAN 9410 Km
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