Parallels Desktop
Product Information
Parallels Desktop for Mac is the easiest and most powerful application to run Windows on Mac without rebooting. Get up and running in minutes. Easily bring all of your files, applications, browser bookmarks and more from your PC to your Mac. Switch between Mac and Windows applications, launch Windows applications from the Mac Dock, and use Mac gestures in your Windows applications. You can also use the Touch Bar with Windows, as well as copy and paste or drag and drop between Windows and Mac.
Access Microsoft Office for Windows and Internet Explorer
Quickly move files, applications and more from a PC to a Mac
Keep the look and feel of macOS or use the familiar Windows desktop
Seamlessly leverage Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or other cloud services
Run Windows applications without slowing down your Mac
Develop and test across multiple OSes in a virtual machine for Mac
Optimised for the latest Windows 10 updates and the new macOS Catalina (10.15) upon release, including highly anticipated Sidecar
Works with OS X, Windows 10, 8.1 and 7, Google Chrome, Linux and Unix, and macOS Server — no more having to choose between PC or Mac
Includes 30+ utilities to simplify everyday tasks on Mac and Windows, such as cleaning your drive, securing private files and more
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R2SCL 20m
WX2U 15m
PV200BR 15m
5B4AMM 15m
T77C 17m
Longest Distance
VK7AC 17149 Km
VK1DO 16824 Km
VK3GL 16797 Km
VK6EI 14397 Km
ZP9MCE 10457 Km
JA1JAN 9410 Km
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